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About Zedrik


Zedrik Tademy

The graphic designer you need.


If you made it this far thank you and I do hope you enjoyed my work that I have accomplished so far in my journey. I have been an official artist for only three years, in those three years I was in a artist in college learning as much as I can. In those three years I have produced work that can open eyes as well as hurt them. Here, I have added some of my pieces that myself and other peers and teachers have liked as well.

Just image what I can do in four or five years. Just kidding, Imagination is my job as an artist. I can do freelance work or pro bono work. Right now I am looking to do as much work as I can with as many different people as I can. I hope you would hire me or continue with me on my social media platforms to not only follow me on my journey but to better yourself not only as an artist but as a person.

Thank you